


Custom 宝博体育 Programs
为什么是CEA 卡帕?

CEA 卡帕 自定义项目

Whether you want to offer a 课程 taught by your own 教师 or a customized group arrangement in an area of interest, CEA 卡帕 provides the expert support, 资源, 以及灵活性,您需要在欧洲22个地点创建自己的定制课程, 拉丁美洲, 和大洋洲.  


Why Partner with CEA 卡帕

CEA 卡帕 Education Abroad offers custom and 教师-led programs and its own semester and summer programs. Our flexible custom program options take advantage of CEA 卡帕’s combined 75 years of expertise in creating academic and career readiness programs abroad.

在CEA 卡帕, 我们帮助开发定制和教师主导的项目, 考虑到短期和长期战略, listening carefully to ideas, 并努力以合理的成本创建一个有意义的项目. Take advantage of our expertise and extensive network, including our internship placements, professional site visits, co-curricular activities calendar, and guest lectures.

Program Development
  • 与专门的定制程序开发人员协商,探索程序的愿景和目标 
  • 专门的课程内容,以配合学生的学习成果
  • Curriculum development (if needed)
  • Flexible pricing options for your budget
  • Marketing and recruitment support
  • Student advising and document collection
  • Visa application instructions and support
  • Final program planning
  • Feedback survey and debrief discussions
  • Official transcripts from Schools of Record or grade reports (as needed for CEA 卡帕-taught 课程s)
  • 当地合作院校的正式成绩单(合作授课课程需要)
  • Airport transfer upon arrival
  • 全面的现场培训,包括健康和安全
  • CEA 卡帕学习中心或当地学术机构的教室空间
  • CEA 卡帕和/或国际合作机构课程(如果需要)
  • 课外活动和主动学习活动
  • 一日游和过夜游览感兴趣的景点
  • 宝博体育、服务学习和志愿者机会(因地区而异)
  • Cultural activities and group meals
  • 为学生和教师提供多样化的住房选择
  • 由常驻现场工作人员提供广泛的课外活动和后勤支持
  • 以学生为中心的特殊住宿方法
  • Risk management and 24/7 emergency support
  • 责任保险、医疗保险、紧急保险和撤离保险
Quality Academic Programming

Commitment to Quality Academic Programming

International Infrastructure

Established International Infrastructure

Flexibility in 程序选项

Flexibility in 程序选项 & 夹杂物

Robust Support Services

Robust Support Services

健康 & 安全保险

健康 & 安全保险



Our 自定义项目 team is passionate about developing and facilitating programming to serve the diversity of student populations enrolling in higher education. 对我们来说,包容性不仅仅是一个词,它是东航的核心价值 卡帕. 我们相信包容性的实践培养好奇心, 创新, 以及提供无与伦比的全球体验的能力. 我们是 an organization where we want all individuals to feel valued, recognized and supported. 我们是 committed to taking continuous action, holding ourselves accountable, actively seeking feedback, and being transparent in our work. 

Custom and 教师-led programs in particular serve as a valuable tool in the effort to increase access to global experiences. 经常, 定制体验在时间安排上提供了更大的灵活性, 价格, 和课程, thus breaking down barriers for historically marginalized groups. 另外, 定制课程可以专门为特定的学生群体设计, ensuring that the specific interests and needs of these students are championed and supported. 


  • First-Generation Student program focused on global competence that rotates between 塞维利亚 and 罗马
  • 佛罗伦萨的第一代学生项目,专注于工程
  • “同性恋巴黎”项目,专注于LGBTQIA+研究
  • 圣何塞hbcu支持项目,重点关注健康科学和职业发展  


  • 人权 & 在圣何塞的服务学习项目,由多元文化学生服务办公室运作
  • 巴黎的手语学习项目,对听力正常、失聪和有听力障碍的学生开放
  • Black Lives Matter program in 伦敦, 着重于英国和美国社会正义运动的比较研究.S.
  • 支持hbcu的以全球化和移民为重点的短期项目


Study Centers and 自定义程序 Locations

Located in cities across 欧洲, 拉丁美洲, 和大洋洲, 我们的学习中心提供一系列的教学和课程类型. 学习中心全年都有一个专门负责住房的团队, 学者, 学生福利, global internships, 和健康, 安全, and student affairs. Centers provide instructional technology, 办公空间, 计算机实验室, 互联网接入, 研究领域, and 教师 lounges. 在大多数地方, 教师 and students may also utilize our international partner institution’s academic 资源. 















    CEA Support Services'

    CEA 卡帕 Support Services

    我们与机构合作,提供全面的端到端支持. Our partners can rely on our expertise and infrastructure to ensure every detail is thoughtfully and thoroughly taken care of for your program.

    Each program will have a dedicated U.S.-based CEA 卡帕 team made up of your 区域主任, a 自定义程序 Developer, a 自定义程序 Manager,和 Partner Student 顾问,谁在这里 支持项目发展,招聘,离职前咨询,后勤等.  

    CEA 卡帕在这里支持该机构的学术努力. 我们的团队将与策划项目的学术组成部分. Academic components can include:
    • 学术中心+设施与技术配备的教室
    • Credit bearing part-time and full-time internship placement options in a wide variety of disciplines
    • Experiential learning opportunities
    • 专业实地考察当地企业和组织
    • 客座演讲
    • Local 教师 instruction
    • Curriculum development
    • Grade reports and transcripts
    CEA 卡帕’s will develop a robust calendar of events to connect students and 教师 with the culture of the chosen program destination. 我们将与该机构合作,选择文化活动和体验 与项目的主题和学习成果保持一致.
    • Cultural activities and entrances
    • Program calendar of active learning events
    • Volunteer opportunities
    • Welcome/farewell dinners
    • 组餐
    • Excursions (day trips and overnight)
    机构s can rely on us to ensure every detail is taken care of for the custom program abroad-from accommodations and classroom space to student visa advising, and risk management.
    • 合租学生公寓、宿舍、旅馆或寄宿家庭的住宿
    • 教师服务和支持,包括公寓住宿
    • Airport transfer/pickup
    • Pre-departure and onsite orientations
    • Classroom space and academic calendar
    • 经验丰富的现场支持人员
    • Insurance and risk management
    • 24/7 emergency phone
    • 健康 and 安全 locater app
    • Visa advising for students and 教师
    CEA 卡帕's Partner Marketing team is here to provide a consultative marketing approach to assist in promoting and recruiting for the custom program. Customized marketing support can include:
    • 传单, 海报, 演讲, 数字标牌, social media posts, 和电子邮件活动模板突出您的程序.
    • Assistance with on-campus informational sessions, 演讲, tabling at study abroad fairs, etc.
    每个定制项目都有一个专门的美国CEA 卡帕定制项目经理. Pre-departure support includes:
    • 出发前 Programming Support: CEA 卡帕 will arrange video conference calls to introduce CEA 卡帕’s onsite team and review all aspects of the program proposal details. The CEA 卡帕 自定义程序 Manager will work closely with the institution personnel to finalize program inclusions and incorporate the program elements into a final program calendar by 30 days prior to the program start date.
    • 出发前 学生建议: A dedicated CEA 卡帕 Student 顾问 is the main contact for your students from the time they are confirmed until the program beings. 辅导员接受过培训,为学生提供各种各样的建议 主题包括健康和安全,身份和文化融合.  
    • Enrollment 管理: CEA 卡帕 can design customized 出发前 communications to capture student information and preferences such as: emergency contact information, health information, housing preferences, 课程 registration, and more.  
    • 出发前 Orientation: CEA 卡帕 can organize a virtual 出发前 orientation for the group, which may be recorded. This orientation can set expectations for the program, review health and 安全 protocols, advise 入境时,并提供包装建议. 
    Each CEA 卡帕 custom program location has dedicated staff who are fully available to assist students and 教师 in country. Each program has a comprehensive orientation process and offers a high level of hands-on support throughout the duration of the program.
    • 教师 & Program Support: CEA 卡帕 staff are responsible for ensuring the program runs smoothly and according to plan. They can assist with any questions or concerns related to program 资源, bookings, housing, and other guidance.
    • 学生建议 & Support: CEA 卡帕 staff are available to advise students on any issues they may encounter while abroad and are trained to deal with the variety of issues such as health and 安全, 个人和 学术顾问, 旅游和特定的文化活动, housing and roommate issues, 身份, and cultural integration.
    我们优先考虑学生的安全和福祉, 教师, 和员工在定制程序流程的每一步. In all CEA locations, we’ve established emergency response procedures and 安全 protocols aligned 与海外教育良好做法标准论坛合作. 此外,我们利用来自美国的资源.S. Department of State, NAFSA:国际教育家协会, Overseas Security 顾问y Council, 疾病控制和预防中心,以及世界卫生组织.

    CEA also enrolls all students and 教师 leaders in a mandatory medical insurance and emergency support plan. This uniform policy ensures that program participants have the insurance coverage they need abroad, 同时允许东航员工在紧急情况发生时迅速和一致地作出反应.


    查找有关CEA 卡帕定制和教师主导的编程和支持的更多信息:


    Explore the variety of academic disciplines, co-curricular programming, 以及CEA 卡帕可以在各地支持的文化参与活动.



    Walk through the program lifecycle, 包括CEA 卡帕的项目开发方法, 出发前, 到达现场, and post-program support.


    Signature Programs

    Learn how you can draw upon CEA 卡帕's experience and expertise to develop a signature program for your university.


    自定义程序Request a proposal for your custom program.